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Yes, Cannabis Can Shrink Your Balls and Lower Your Sperm Count

Updated: Feb 12, 2022

A new study published last week in the scientific journal Fertility & Sterility, found that the regular use of cannabis can shrink your testicles by as much as 50% and reduce your fertility.

Clinician-scientists at the Oregon National Primate Research Center at Oregon Health & Science University gave a bunch of monkeys in their sexual prime, a THC edible once a day for seven months, gradually increasing the dosage every 70 days in line with published medical marijuana acclimation recommendations for humans until they hit what would be considered "heavy medical marijuana use" in humans.

“Our analysis of the collected samples found that THC use was associated with significant adverse impacts to the animals’ reproductive hormones, including decreased levels of testosterone and severe testicular shrinkage, said study author Dr. Jamie Lo, M.D., M.C.R., associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology (perinatology and maternal-fetal medicine), at the OHSU School of Medicine. "Specifically," she wrote, "we observed a greater than 50% decrease in testicular size,” and "unfortunately, these effects appeared to worsen as the THC dose was increased, suggesting a possible dose-dependent effect.” In short, the more cannabis you use, the more likely you might be to experience testicular shrinkage.

Are monkeys different that humans? It's hard to tell because nobody is lining up to have researchers measure their balls after eating edibles or smoking a joint.

Another study author and urologist at the OHSU School of Medicine - Jason C. Hedges, M.D., Ph.D. said he was concerned about the long term and future impact for young people who use cannabis products. “As the prevalence of edible marijuana use continues to increase in the U.S. and worldwide — particularly in males of prime reproductive age — even moderate doses could have a profound impact on fertility outcomes. While family planning may not be top of mind for those in their late teens and early 20s, the longer-term effects of THC on male reproductive health are not well-defined; it is possible that THC could cause lasting impacts that may alter family planning later in life.”

Ladies, you haven't dodged a bullet either. Dr. Lo did a study last year that found that cannabis impacted female monkeys' menstrual cycles and fertility - and potential humans' fertility - in much the same way.

Whether reducing or quitting cannabis use reverses things in men or women remains to be seen and is set for future study.


Hi! I'm Dr. Jeffrey Reynolds

I write many of the articles here on Cannaquit and make sure I personally review every piece of information that appears on the site, so as to make sure you are getting facts and information supported by evidence.

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