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Tips for Managing Marijuana Withdrawal

Updated: Feb 12, 2022

One of the dangers associated with chronic marijuana use is dependence, which can lead individuals to experience withdrawal symptoms when they stop using. Cannabis Withdrawal Syndrome (CWS) is a diagnostic term used to describe the physical and psychological dependence that can occur when an individual tries to quit using marijuana. The withdrawal symptoms aren't dangerous in themselves, but they can be frustrating and difficult to handle.

What Are Marijuana Withdrawal symptoms

It is possible to experience withdrawal symptoms with marijuana. The specific marijuana withdrawal symptoms experienced vary based on the dosage and duration of use. In addition, the severity of withdrawal symptoms can also vary based on factors like the reason that one is using marijuana in the first place and the severity and duration of their withdrawal symptoms.

The most common symptoms of marijuana withdrawal can include:

• Trouble sleeping

• Irritability and restlessness

• Anger or aggression

• Headache

• Appetite changes

• Anxiety and depression

• Feelings of physical discomfort

• People can experience symptoms like panic attacks or severe anxiety in some cases.

Some ways to help ease cannabis withdrawal

There are a few methods that individuals can use to cope with marijuana detox:

1. Hydration

Water is essential to maintaining the body's proper chemical balance. Drinking water in large amounts can help reduce the symptoms of marijuana withdrawal. Water works as an antidote of sorts to the many problems associated with marijuana use. Avoiding sugary drinks and caffeine drinks can help to keep the body fully hydrated during the withdrawal process.

2. Exercise

Exercise helps the body to release endorphins and dopamine into the bloodstream. These chemicals work to alleviate pain, reduce stress, and improve mood. Endorphins are beneficial for preventing the overwhelming feelings of pain and discomfort that often result from cannabis withdrawal. Dopamine helps ensure that the individual can focus on other activities rather than obsessing over their marijuana use.

3. Eat healthy

The body requires good nutrition to function correctly. Eating a balanced and healthy diet can help lessen the emotional and physical symptoms experienced during cannabis withdrawal. Eating right will also ensure that there are enough of the body's chemicals to work properly. In particular, foods with high levels of omega-3 fatty acids are said to help ease withdrawal symptoms. Foods with vitamins and minerals are also known to help reduce the symptoms of marijuana withdrawal.

4. Join a support group

Talking about what is happening and interacting with others going through the same thing can be an effective way to cope with weed withdrawal. Some support groups are held in a face-to-face setting, but support groups also meet via the Internet. These types of support groups can be particularly helpful when individuals don't have the money needed to travel to face-to-face meetings.

5. Get some sleep

Sleep is known to help the brain and body work more effectively. Adequate amounts of sleep can help cope with the emotional and physical stressors of marijuana withdrawal. It can also help the individual to stay focused on other activities. Sometimes, it can be hard to get enough sleep when weed withdrawal is causing someone problems. Muscle aches, anxiety, and nausea can all make sleeping difficult. Melatonin or some other natural remedy may help you sleep more soundly.

6. Seek medical help

It is best to discuss marijuana withdrawal with a doctor or health care professional before patients try to cope independently. Working closely with a doctor can help the individual understand precisely what is happening and how it can be managed. A doctor can determine if other issues are making symptoms worse. Patients who have an autoimmune disorder or other health problems could be experiencing more severe withdrawal symptoms, which require medical attention.

7. Rehabilitation

Some facilities offer treatment for individuals with marijuana addictions and those looking for marijuana detox. These types of programs can be a great way to reduce the severity of withdrawal symptoms and help the individual manage future addictions in a safe and comfortable environment. These programs generally last anywhere from two weeks to three months, depending on the programs and facilities available.

8. Substance Abuse Treatment and Support

Patients who want to break free from their marijuana addiction can also consider non-drug treatment approaches. These treatments can help address any physical and emotional symptoms related to withdrawal and help you understand why you turned to marijuana in the first place. They include:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy can be especially helpful for patients who have experienced adverse consequences from using marijuana. Therapy helps the individual to realize that the drug is no longer useful and teaches them alternative coping strategies and techniques that can be used when marijuana is no longer needed.


Meditation can also help improve the symptoms of marijuana withdrawal. It is known to calm people down, lower stress, and promote feelings of calm, relaxation, and well-being.


Hypnotherapy can help stop drug use, reduce cravings, and improve the individual's confidence in their ability to stay sober. Hypnosis is beneficial for individuals who have tried to stop using marijuana in the past but were unsuccessful.

12 Step Programs

Millions have found a path to recovery using 12-step programs. These fellowships help to teach individuals the meaning behind the various traditions and rituals that they have learned over time. In particular, the 12 steps are widely known to help with withdrawal symptoms related to marijuana use. Joining a 12 step program can help people focus on the long-term benefits of staying clean rather than the immediate consequences.

9. Supplements

Some people find that taking supplements like fish oils, essential fatty acids, and vitamin B can help to ease the withdrawal symptoms.

In conclusion, coping with withdrawal from marijuana takes most of the time and effort of the individual. Usually, a person who has been involved in marijuana addiction will find it hard to cope with withdrawals and would require some professional help. The withdrawal process can cause serious problems that may endanger the well-being of the addicted person. The individual needs to recognize withdrawal and learn some of the effective techniques to cope with and treat it as they attempt to quit.



Hi! I'm Dr. Jeffrey Reynolds

I write many of the articles here on Cannaquit and make sure I personally review every piece of information that appears on the site, so as to make sure you are getting facts and information supported by evidence.

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